Friday, December 14, 2012


The Sumerians and the Annunaki
The Sumerians are credited with being the first true human society dating back at least 7,000 years. Existing in the Tigris and Euphrates river areas, the Sumerians developed writing, math, astronomy and even created the zodiac that we use still today.

But there is evidence that the Sumerian people did not achieve all this alone. It is written that they were led by the Annunaki that showed their human servants how to grow crops, write and in turn used them as labor to mine and build their temples.

The Annunaki on Earth
An advanced civilization, the Annunaki decended in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the Annunaki miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the leaders decided to create a creature to take their place.

Enki, their chief scientist and Ninhursag their chief medical officer, merged their Anunnaki genes with that of Homo Erectus and produced us, Homo Sapiens, for their purposes as slaves. Because we were a hybrid, we could not procreate. The demand for us as workers became greater and we were genetically manipulated to reproduce.

Over time the human population grew and was actually expelled from the Annunaki cities. At one point it was decided that a cleansing should take place and roughly 12,500 years ago, which may be the basis for the world wide phenomenon of the flood myth. Luckily Enki, our creator, was soft hearted and saved a small population of humans.

Later on, as the Annunaki were preparing to depart from Earth, they decided to impart some of their knowledge onto mankind. This can be seen by the sudden advancements in human civilizations world wide all at about the same time.

Annunaki and Gold
Why did the Annunaki need gold?

One question that commonly comes up is why did the Annunaki want gold in the first place? Originally the Annunaki used lower level workers of their own kind which eventually led the Annunaki to genetically uplift humans to create a worker race.

But what is it about gold that would make it worth the effort to engineer a race just to mine it? The answer is monoatomic Gold.

Monoatomics are superconductors at room temperature, potentially have anti-gravitic properties which are now being investigated by the advanced physics community. If this is the case, then it becomes very apparent how gold will be useful for a technologically advanced civilization.

The Annunaki Homeworld Nibiru
What is Nibiru?

Nibiru is the home world for the Annunaki. Sources and translations vary, but the Sumerians describe Planet X as being very far from Earth at times, (roughly 30,000,000,000) miles away. People originally thought that Nibiru or Planet X might be in the position that Pluto (the former planet) holds.

It is commonly held that Nibiru has an intersecting orbit with Earth and that it is at these points of intersection that the Annunaki have come and gone from Earth. Of course, with 2012 approaching there is a lot of talk of this being the time for the return of Nibiru and the Annunaki.

I suggest that the Sumerian scholars interpreted the descriptions that the Annunaki gave them incorrectly and what actually comes and goes is a planet ship or generation ship that is on a long orbit. If a planet of any size actually entered within close proximity to Earth, it would cause major disruption throughout the solar system.

The Annunaki in Modern Culture
If anyone is responsible for our awareness of the Annunaki in the modern day, it is Zecharia Sitchin who translated and interpreted the Sumerian texts leading to the publication of his book The 12th Planet in 1976. He puts forth the idea that Nibiru will actually impact with Earth causing world wide calamity.

While Sitchin did bring the Annunaki to the world's attention, he has been criticized for his flawed physics and skewed translations of the ancient Sumerian texts. Despite this, it is important to look at the history of the Sumerian's and the Annunaki that we are never taught in school.

What the Mayan Calendar Says
Does the Mayan calendar predict the return of the Annunaki?

There is a lot of talk about the return of the 2012 Annunaki return and they Mayan calendar long count ending in 2012 primary because the 3600 year cycle of the planet Nibiru returning coincides closely with the 2012 date.

Interestingly enough there is a parallel to the Sumerian story of gods coming down to rule over then and then leaving, if you study the story of Quetzalcoatl. Q came to the Aztecs and brought civilization to their culture, and then after reigning for a period of time left, stating that he would return at the beginning of a long count calendar cycle as will occur after 2012.

What makes this especially plausible is that if it was gold that the Annunaki were after, South America would have been a great place to find it!

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